Several additional windows will appear, prompting you to enter a name and description for your computer, an
Administrator password, and a domain name. Read the instructions on the screens carefully and fill in the
information as directed.
Following first boot, you will arrive at the Modern start screen. Some useful shortcuts for your reference: Press the
W D keys to go to traditional Windows desktop or press W M keys to load the traditional Windows
desktop and minimize all applications.
Installing Bonus Apps
After you have started your system the first time, you will see a Bonus Apps icon on your desktop. Click on
the icon to see which additional applications are available for you to install. You can also access Bonus Apps
by opening the Charms panel from the Modern Start screen and searching for "Fujitsu BonusApps". Applications that
are already installed appear in grey; those that are available for installation appear in blue.
Select the applications you wish to install by selecting the checkbox adjacent to your selection, or click [Select All] if
you would like to install all available applications. Once you have made your selections, click [Install].
Note that in some cases (depending upon which application was selected for installation) after installation
completes, the system will prompt you to reboot. There are also cases in which if multiple applications are selected
to install but one of them needs a reboot, the system will reboot and continue installing the rest of the selected
Registering your LIFEBOOK with Fujitsu
You can register your notebook by going to our website at:
You will need to
be set up with an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to register online.