38 - 70
Precipitation threshold for the precipitation-flag (Precipitation Threshold).
Command PW
Time frame for precipitation event (Precipitation Window) s.a. PE.
Delayed response (Response Delay).
Warm-boot WEATHER STATION (ReSet).
Set real-time clock (Real Time Clock).
Station height for reducing the air pressure on sea level(Station Height).
Energy saving mode (Sleep Mode).
Output serial number.
System status (System Status).
Threshold for Synop Status (Synop status Threshold).
Preparation for
“software upload” (firmware update).
Version of software (Software Version).
Short information about the telegram (Telegram Info).
Telegram Request.
Autonomous telegram output (Telegram Transmission).
Select the hourly offset to GPS time for the time zone.
10 Commands and descriptions
Command AB
Adjust the measuring range of the air pressure for analogue output.
Configuration mode (ADMIN).
This command is used to specify the analogue measuring range.
Call-up e.g. 00ABxxyyy
The first two parameters (xx) specify the lower measured value
and the last 3 parameters (yyy) the upper measured value (resolution 10hPA).
Parameter description:
Sets the measuring range of the analogue output to 800...1060hPa.
Sets the measuring range of the analogue output to 600...1000hPa.
Value range(xx):
Value range(yyy):
100..150 (10hPA)
Initial value(xxyyy):
Command AD
Setting delay of runtime single measurement for ultrasonic wind measurement
(Acquisition Delay).
This command can be used to select the time from the start of a propagation time
measurement (time of flight, TOF) to the start of the following TOF (TOF repeat rate).
Value range:
2..25 [ms]
Initial value:
Command AH
Adjust the measuring range of relative humidity for analogue output
Configuration mode (ADMIN).
This command is used to specify the analogue measuring range for relative humidity.
Callup e.g. with 00AHxxyyy .
The first two parameters (xx) specify the lower measured value and the last 3
parameters (yyy) the upper measured value (resolution %).
Parameter description:
Sets the measuring range of the analogue output to 10...100%.
Sets the measuring range of the analogue output to 0...100%.