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Command SU
Preparation for firmware upload (Software Upload).
Configuration mode (ADMIN).
Starts the bootloader for the firmware update.
The upload must be started within the stated time period, otherwise the previous
firmware restarts. A started upload must not be interrupted, for ex. by disconnecting
the power supply or interrupting the communication, as otherwise the firmware is not
loaded completely, and the firmware of the WEATHER STATION would possibly be no
longer executable. It should then be sent to the manufacturer.
The baud rate should be within a range from 4800Bd to 115200Bd 8N1, and with
upload should correspond to the upper pc board (top) of the communication baud rate
(see BR).
With the firmware upload of the lower pc board (bottom), the baud rate is arranged
through the upload program “FlashMagic”, regardless of the communication baud rate.
For a firmware update in bus mode all other instruments should be removed from the
bus, in order to avoid an interference of the upload.
The power supply and the communication must not be disconnected or
interrupted during the firmware upload.
For the firmware update in half-duplex mode the echo mode of the interface
converter must be activated.
Parameter description:
Starts the bootloader for firmware update of the lower pc board
Timeout for starting the upload 6min.
Starts the bootloader for firmware update of the upper pc board
Timeout for starting the upload 2min.
Command SV
Version of software (Software Version).
Query mode.
Without parameter the command outputs the software version.
Parameter description:
Output of the detailed start message included the software version.
Command TI
Telegram information.
Query mode.
Telegram information about the type of measured value is output in abbreviated form.
Value range:
valid telegrams; see also
Command TR
Telegram request (Telegram Request).
Query mode.
The command TR can be used to specifically request a telegram from the WEATHER
STATION. The device offers a series of predefined telegrams.
With a telegram request the response time of the WEATHER STATION is the delay
time from the last character of the request telegram until transmission of the first
character of the response telegram. The minimum delay is 5msec and can be selected
from 5...1000 ms using Command RD.
Parameter description:
VDT telegram (wind speed, wind direction and temperature).
VDTHP telegram (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, relative humidity
and air pressure).