700-SDI-RADAR-300WL-Man Rev 2 11 Apr Mar 2022
Part# 21371
Velocity min.:
Use to set the minimum velocity value of interest.
Velocity Max,:
Use to set the maximum velocity of interest.
Level active zone minimum
Level active zone minimum:
these parameters limit the
operational range of the radar. The radar will detect the water level only within the
range set by the active zone minimum and active zone maximum. This is the best way
to filter unwanted radar reflections from other structures and objects that are present
on the monitoring site that could cause false instrument readings. It is strongly
recommended to set the
Active Zone Minimum
value to the minimum possible
distance between the water and the instrument at the site and the Active Zone
Maximum to the maximum possible distance between the water and the instrument
at the site. Typically, the
Active Zone Maximum
is the distance between the radar
and the lowest point in the channel.