700-SDI-RADAR-300WL-Man Rev 2 11 Apr Mar 2022
Part# 21371
Sensitivity level:
Configures the radar sensitivity level. The sensitivity level threshold is
used by the radar to determine whether the reflected level is too low to detect any
flow. If the instrument is incorrectly reporting flow when there is no water in the
channel, it’s necessary to increase the value of this parameter.
SNR threshold:
The minimal Signal to Noise Ratio that is required to detect the water flow.
If the actual measured SNR is lower than the threshold, the instrument will not
report any flow. Setting the SNR threshold to a higher value will result with more
robust measurements but may also result with no measurements when the water is
very smooth. As a general rule, the measurements with SNR below 10 dB may be
inaccurate, and measurements with SNR below 6 dB should not be trusted. The SNR
threshold should be set accordingly.