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© FTEmaximal
Connection of the inputs R2 - R6
Once all connections with equipments A/V are made, plug the Multivision.
Connections R2 (AUX1) and R3 (AUX 2) are used to connect equipments with
RCA outputs for instance Handycam or videogames. Input R4 is marked as SAT
(satellite receiver) and can be selected from the front panel or remote control
with SAT key. Same procedure must be applied to the rest: R5 (DVD), and R6
These inputs selection is not obligatory, you can connect any audio and video
source (that accomplish specifications in page 8), in any input. Indications are
as common installing example and to fix selection buttons.
R9 connector is an input of terrestrial or cable TV.
Signals that come in this input only appear in R10 output and are not modified
by Multivision´s modulator.
For example, if in input R9 exists the channel C10 (210,25 MHz) at output
connector (R10) there is also this channel available for TV set.
Connection Outputs R7 and R10
Main television set (Room 1) is connected directly to the Multivision system,
using R7 and included Scart-Scart cable. In this output all incoming signals in
inputs R2-R6 are available now in Stereo for the main TV (if the input source
supplies a Stereo signal). The output of the modulator R10 combines incoming
signals from antenna or cable with the channel generated by Multivision, and
send all it through coaxial cable to remote room.
Modulator output channel by factory default is channel 21.
System to select the output channel is described in page 15.
Necessary elements top distribute this signal up to remote rooms are not
included in Multivision.
It must be considered that all used elements in distribution to remote rooms
must allow to have a return channel (5-30MHz) for the function of remote control
Ask your usual installer or distributor to know best elements for distribution and
avoid future changes.
Connect in R11 LEDs cable connector M 1.
If all connections are already made you can plug the Multivision and enjoy your
new equipment.