© 2015 Flanders Scientific, Inc.
Function Menu
Video Data
The Video Data function is a sophisticated signal data analyzer providing realtime decimal or hexadecimal readout of
video data at the pixel level. Data is represented in a 18 x 10 pixel grid where each pixel’s corresponding color is used as
the background color for that position within the grid. A small green rectangle on screen shows what area of the image is
currenlty being analyzed. The grid position as well as the data readout can be manipulated with the rotary knobs as outlined
• H POS rotary knob moves the selected analysis point horizontally on screen. Pressing down on this knob returns you
to the horizontal center of the screen.
• V POS rotary knob moves the selected analysis point veritically on screen. Pressing down on this knob returns you to
the vertical center of the screen.
• Pressing down on the REF POS rotary knob toggles you between YCbCr and RGB data readouts.
• Turing the REF POS rotary knob toggles between decimal and hexadecimal data readouts.
• Turn the F STOP rotary knob to toggle between 8 bit and 10 bit data readouts.
• Pressing down on the F STOP rotary knob will cause the green position rectangle to flash white on screen to make it
easier to locate.
The Video Data function can also be used in conjunction wtih the H/V Delay function. When you enable H/V Delay with
Video Data active you will see a Full Raster position indication appear at the bottom of the Video Data window. This provides
your curosr position in the order Line then Sample relative to the full raster instead of just the active picture data. This can
be useful for finding and analyzing specific Horizontal and Vertical blanking data. If analyzing an interlaced source putting
the monitor in Noise Reduction processing mode will make the data easier to read.