3. Positioning ceiling and wall sensors
Combining external sensors is ideal for complete coverage of odd sized or oversized rooms with or without
non-reflecting or obstructing walls. Use the following guidelines when installing ceiling and wall sensors:
– Mentally divide an odd-shaped room into sections as shown. The receiver and ceiling sensor should
cover the larger sections of the room and the wall sensor should cover the alcove or smaller section.
– For larger sized rooms greater than 2500 sq. ft./225m
we recommend using external wall sensors
only (up to 3 wall sensors maximum) for optimum room coverage in IR challenging room environments.
– Use a piece of tape to mark a spot on the ceiling that is centered within one half of the large section
of the room – this is where you will install the ceiling sensor.
– Use a piece of tape to mark a spot for each of the wall sensors. The spot you choose should be:
– on a wall, as close to the ceiling as possible.
– in a position such that the teacher can see at least one sensor from all parts of the room.
single ceiling & wall sensor placement
(odd-sized room)
three wall sensor or two ceiling sensor placement
(larger room size)