Manual Revision Code: FRONTLINE-SRL-04 10-19-20
Swing Falls:
Swing falls occur when the anchorage point is not directly above the point where a fall occurs. The force of
striking an object in a swing fall may cause serious injury. In a swing fall, the total vertical fall distance will
be greater than if the user had fallen directly below the anchorage point, thus increasing fall clearance
required to safely arrest the user.
Minimize swing falls by working as directly below the anchorage point as possible.
Never permit a swing fall if injury could occur.
Swing Fall Hazards Non- Leading Edge
Self-Retracting Lifeline
Walking/ Working Surface
Swing Fall impact after fall event
Next Lower Level or Obstruction
Compatibility of Components & Connectors:
Frontline equipment is designed for use with Frontline approved components and subsystems only. Non-
approved components or subsystems may jeopardize compatibility of equipment and may affect complete
Connectors (hooks, carabiners, and D-rings) must be capable of supporting at least 5000 lbs. (22.2KN)
Non-compatible connectors may unintentionally disengage.
Per ANSI Z359 and OSHA, self-locking snap hooks and carabiners are required.
For users exceeding 310 lbs. (141kg), anchorage point must not be more than 5ft(1.52m) below the Dorsal
D-Ring. For users exceeding 310 lbs. (141kg), up to 420 lbs. (191kg), the anchorage point must not be more
than 2ft.(0.6m) below the Dorsal D-Ring and higher when connecting off to the user's left or right side.
Drawing 1.