Safety precau-
tions at the
A machine that topples over can easily kill someone! For this reason, always
place the machine on an even, firm floor in such a way that it stands firmly.
An angle of inclination of up to 10° is permissible.
Special regulations apply to rooms at risk from fire and/or explosion.
Observe all relevant national and international regulations.
By means of internal instructions and checks, ensure that the workplace and
the area around it are always kept clean and tidy.
Only operate the machine if all of its protective features are fully functional. If
any of the protective features are not fully functional, this endangers:
- the life and well-being of the operator or other persons
- the equipment and other tangible assets belonging to the owner/operator
- efficient working with the equipment.
Any safety features that are not fully functional must be put right before you
switch on the machine.
Never evade safety features and never put safety features out of order.
Before switching on the machine, ensure that nobody can be endangered by
your doing so.
At least once a week, check the machine for any damage that may be
visible from the outside, and check that the safety features all function
Always fasten the shielding-gas cylinder firmly, and remove it altogether
before hoisting the machine by crane.
Owing to its special properties (in terms of electrical conductivity, frost-
proofing, materials-compatibility, combustibility etc.), only Fronius
coolant is suitable for use in our machines.
Only use suitable Fronius coolant.
Do not mix Fronius coolant with other coolants.
If any damage occurs in cases where other coolants have been used,
the manufacturer shall not be liable for any such damage, and all
warranty claims shall be null and void.
Under certain conditions, the coolant is flammable. Only transport the
coolant in closed original containers, and keep it away from sources of
Used coolant must be disposed of properly in accordance with the
relevant national and international regulations. A safety data sheet is
available from your Fronius service centre.
Before starting welding - while the machine is still cool - check the
coolant level.
Safety precau-
tions in normal
With parts sourced from other suppliers, there is no certainty that these parts
will have been designed and manufactured to cope with the stressing and
safety requirements that will be made of them. Use only original spares and
wearing parts (this also applies to standard parts).
Do not make any alterations, installations or modifications to the machine
without getting permission from the manufacturer first.
Replace immediately any components that are not in perfect condition.
Preventive and