Cleaning the burning chamber
❒ Open the combustion chamber door
❒ Pull the ash deposits on the upper side of middle vault towards you using a flat
❒ Using a flat scraper, carefully push the ash on the upper side of the lower vault
towards the rear
➥ The ash will fall down into the combustion chamber
Cleaning the combustion chamber
❒ Open the combustion chamber door
❒ Remove unburned material and foreign bodies from the combustion chamber
❒ Using a flat scraper, move the ash on the combustion chamber grate towards the
ash shaft
❒ Remove any dirt (nails, stones, slag, etc.) from the moving grate
❒ Clean the primary air slot with a suitable tool (e.g. screwdriver)
➥ The primary air slots must be free from obstructions!
Froling GesmbH | A-4710 Grieskirchen, Industriestraße 12 |