Rev. Tarihi:25.05.2016
Piping should be fixed and supported at a distance of 1.5 m from the unit connection. After
the first supporting point the entire piping should be fixed at each 3 m.
The flanged connection to the dry
flexible vibration absorber intermediate connector should be used.
Rev.No:9 Dok. No: KLV.004.ENG
Piping should be fixed and supported at a distance of 1.5 m from the unit connection. After
the first supporting point the entire piping should be fixed at each 3 m.
The flanged connection to the dry cooler should be made at perfect facing position. Unless, a
flexible vibration absorber intermediate connector should be used.
Rev.No:9 Dok. No: KLV.004.ENG
Piping should be fixed and supported at a distance of 1.5 m from the unit connection. After
cooler should be made at perfect facing position. Unless, a