Let us help you troubleshoot your concern! This section will help you with
common issues. If you need us, visit our website, chat with an agent, or call us.
We may be able to help you avoid a service visit. If you do need service, we
can get that started for you!
Possible Causes
The unit does not
There is insufficient
water in the tank.
Check the water level in the
tank and make sure there is
enough water.
The water pump is not
lowered all the way to
the bottom.
The pump is defective.
Check the water pump to
make sure it is lowered all
the way to the bottom, then
press the evaporative
cooling button.
Contact customer service if
there is an issue with the
water pump.
The unit does not
cool on high
The cooling pad is not
sufficiently saturated
with water.
The cooling pad will be fully
soaked after the unit runs
for 10 minutes.
The water tank is
The water tank is
Contact customer service if
there is an issue with the
water tank.