Figure 3.2
Edge Mowing
Figure 3.4 – Text on Edge Mowing
Figure 3.5 – Text in Scan Mowing
Zone A: 1:40
Press GO
3.3 Edge
The first mowing chore for the Robomow is mowing the edge. By edge, we mean the outer perimeter
of the active zone the Robomow is working within. This is essentially where you placed your
perimeter wire in the wire set-up. Edge mowing provides a clean even cut around the perimeter and
helps to minimize the amount of trimming along walls and other obstacles. The Robomow will always
mow the edge in a counter-clockwise direction. Figure 3.2. The Robomow will automatically find the
edge (perimeter), mow it and then turn off into the lawn to complete the mowing.
In order to start the automatic mowing, including the edge mowing, the Manual Controller must first be
placed back into the holder and pivoted down. Once the controller is placed into position, the LCD will
display a text message indicating it is in the automatic mode. Figure 3.3.
Once the message is displayed, press the green ‘GO’ button once to start the automatic mowing
sequence. A short warm up sequence will begin, the operating lamp will begin flashing and then the
blades will start rotating. The LCD display will change to the text message in Figure 3.4. Once it
reaches the edge, it will generally straddle the wire at about the center of the mower. It will now begin
mowing the edge, completing one to two complete passes around the perimeter. At the point the
Robomow is satisfied the perimeter has been cut, it will stop and then rotate towards the inner area of
the lawn. It will then drive into the lawn and begin what is called the scanning process. This is simply
the methodical mowing of the lawn using the advanced navigation system of the Robomow,
. The LCD display will change to the text message in Figure 3.5.
3.4 Scanning
The scanning process is simply a process whereby the Robomow is systematically moving across
your lawn while it is mowing. It will generally move in a right to left direction and then a left to right
direction. During this process, it will also make other turns and moves in order to navigate itself back
and forth across the lawn. Keep in mind that the Robomow will not mow all the grass on its first pass;
in fact it will leave uncut grass in between many of the legs it makes. This is expected and is entirely
normal. These uncut areas will be cut on subsequent passes of the Robomow across the lawn. Just
like a dishwasher, wait until the job is finished before you can appreciate the results. The Robomow
will continue to run for the amount of time selected or for the default ‘MAX’ time, which is generally 1.5
to 3 hours, depending on Robomower model, grass type and condition. See Chapter 5, Settings and
Advanced Features for more detail on setting operating time.
Figure 3.3
Automatic mode display
Chapter 3
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