Installation Manual STG7 P Gas form 9123689 rev. 11/2011
Page 12
The rotisserie must be burned in to release any odours that might result from heating the new
oven surfaces. Operate the rotisserie at maximum temperature setting of 482°F for 30 minutes.
Smoke with an unplaesant odour will normally be given off during this burn-in period.
Ventilation requirements will vary with each installation and must comply with
applicable portions of NFPA Standard #96 and with state and local codes.
Considerations to be kept in mind include :
• Flue connections should never be made directly to the oven.
• The rotisserie should be located under a hood which has adequate connection to an exhaust
duct and extends 8” beyond the oven sides.
• Clearance above the rotisserie flue should be adequate for the products to escape so that
there is no interference with the heat circulation in the oven. Refer to ANSI/NFPA 96, ”
Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial Cooking Operations”
(latest edition). The STG 7 produces about 350 cf water vapor per cycle. When placing the
rotisserie under an extraction hood you have to consider the following guide lines:
- The minimum capacity of the extraction hood has to be 600 cfm
- The extraction hood has to extend minimum by 8” on all sides of the rotisserie
- The extraction hood has to have a free hight, above the rotisserie, of a minimum of 16”
- The rotisserie has to be accessible for service purposes
After installation of the rotisserie, the operator of the unit has to be instructed.
The instruction has to cover the following subjects:
• Programming and options.
• Working of the unit.
• Free space of unit for cooling of drive motor and blowers.
• Run through the user manual.
• Refer to the storyboard, training guide and laminated sheet with pre-programmed
programs (only for Wall-mart).
• Periodical maintenance:
o Cleaning of fan plate every month.
o Cleaning of fans on blower every month.
• How to react for information or service calls.