User Reference Guide
User Reference Guide
reference along with any other related information in the database
template that you’d like to attach such as dates, times, comments, sample
names, sample type, etc.
To save results simply press the Save button at the top of the screen after
any newly recorded scan. This will bring up a standard Windows File
Save dialog box. Save the file as you would any Windows file. All you
need to do is enter a name. The format and file extension (.CTF) are
automatically created for you. Once you have entered a name for the file
press the Save File button and your file will be saved. Just remember that
results files are saved, opened and stored the same way as any Windows
Again, opening saved results files is no different than opening files in
any other Windows application. To open a previously saved results file,
press the Open button at the top of
the screen. A standard Windows
Open File dialog will appear with
all of your saved results files.
Simply select the file you want to
open and press the Open button on
the dialog box. The results file will
be loaded into the ColorTrack
program with all of the values and
data associated with the previously
selected saved result.
The Scales function in the ColorTrack software is unique and affords you
a powerful tool. There are many scales for analyzing color such as
Opening Files
By default the scale will be ColorTrack, however if you'd like to use a
different scale you can change the current scale. To do this, drop down
the Scale list and select the desired scale. The results will be recalculated
to reflect results in the selected scale. You may toggle between any
number of scales if for instance you want to record multiple values from
different scales for the same sample. Once you click on a scale the
system will default to the selected scale and will remain the default scale
until manually changed in the same manner.
ColorTrack, Agtron, Collerette, LaB* as well as standard color models
such as RGB and CYMK.
The Scales function basically allows you to add, create and/or edit a
scales. In other words, you can have many different color models on your
system not to mention creating custom scales of your own if so needed.
Operation is straight forward and you simply correlate native values to
any given scale. So, if you have known Agtron values for samples, you
can create or edit the Agtron scale so that the ColorTrack reads
identically. In essence, it allows you to calibrate the ColorTrack to any
known reflectivity device.
You may also create entirely customized scales to fit your needs. For
instance you may desire broader range. If you have a material or sample
that falls into a very tight or limited range, you can create a scale that
stretches the range to create greater
differentiation for the scale. For
example, if you have a series of
samples that fall within ColorTrack
values of only 50-60, you may
want greater differentiation than 10
points. Simply create a new scale
in which the 50 value equals 10
and the 60 value equals 100. This
will in effect stretch the range. The
ColorTrack will automatically insert the calculations to adjust the
readings when scanning each time the alternate scale is selected.
If you'd like to adjust the way any of the scales work, or if you'd like to
add a new scale you may do so by using the Scales section of the control
panel. Select the Scales button and you will be presented with a list of
your existing scales and those that come with your software. There are a
number of fields: Scale Name, Actual Light Reading, Desired Light
Reading, Actual Dark Reading, Desired Dark Reading, Maximum Value,
and Minimum Value. These fields go into a formula that results in the
converted value.
The formula is similar to the Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion. You may
notice that maximum value and minimum value are not used in the
formula. This is because the maximum and minimum values are only
used to find the range of the chart's x axis.