Flughandbuch XCitor
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Use both brake lines in turbulent air and keep them slightly pulled down (20%), and
keep the canopy above you and centred with active work at the brake lines. This
reduces the risk of a collapse.
If the canopy collapses anyway on one side, keep the direction with the brake lines
(and, if necessary, fly away from any obstacles). Only if you fly stable “pump” the
brake on the collapsed side to re-open the wing quicker. You may have to do it
forcefully due to the high wing load.
If you fly into very thermal conditions fly slowly but don’t pull the brake too much to
stay away from a dynamic stall. If you leave such a thermal area pull the brake
lines to avoid a forward shooting canopy and the potential risk of a front collapse.
You may give more gas as well to increase the angle of attack.
If the canopy collapses on one side brake the other side until the XCitor is flying
straight forward. But better use less than too much brake input!
In principle landing with the engine shut off is the same as if it is still running –
always facing the wind. But the speed should be kept up high enough for a proper
flaring. So hold the brake lines up until you are roughly 2 m high. You should wind
them 1x around your hand to have more brake travel. In 2m altitude start to apply
brake continuously. Just at touch down the brake lines should be completely pulled
If due to wind the canopy doesn’t fall down behind the trike you may release the
brake for a moment, wind them 1x more around the hand and pull it again. You
may repeat this procedure until the glider comes down.
If the canopy pulls too much to the side the trike may finally roll over. Therefore
keep the canopy centered as good as possible behind the trike.
If the wind is quite strong at may help to get the canopy down by not braking too
much with the front wheel. Then the trike may roll back with the wind a little bit.
As the wing load of the XCitor is quite high compared with a backpack motor, the
XWing should not be flown too slow prior to touch down. We recommend to keep
the brake wide open until you reach roughly 2 m, and then pull it continuously
down until you touch the ground. At this time the brake should be fully applied.
Please make sure that the brake line is perfectly adjusted to your XCitor so you
don’t loose brake travel when landing.
You may use the engine to adjust the descent rate. Control altitude and speed with
brake lines and gas.
Caution! Accident risk!
Being close to the ground watch your air speed carefully, don’t fly too slow: Always
much faster than your stall speed!
There are many situations when you need to lose altitude rapidly to avoid potential
dangers e.g. pulled up from a cumulus cloud, an approaching cold front, a storm