Spa Maintenance
Freeflow hot tubs use a screw in filter cartridge that is easily removed. When the filter cartridge is removed, make
sure no objects fall into the filter cavity. They can cause obstructions to the water movement.
Every two weeks, the filter cartridge must be cleaned to remove the objects and particles that have lodged in the
cartridge pleats. Using household water pressure and a garden hose with a pressurized nozzle, push water from
inside to outside of the pleats, forcing all the trapped particles out. If the cartridge is far too dirty to be cleaned as
described above, contact your Freeflow dealer for a replacement.
NOTE: Never run your hot tub without a filter cartridge!!!
NOTE: Filter cartridges must be replaced every six months. Restrictions in Filter quality can cause
your hot tub pump to burn out and will not be covered under warranty.
Turn the power to the spa off, and then follow directions below:
down slightly and turn filter basket counter clockwise to unlock, then pull the basket and
weir out.
unscrew the filter cartridge and bring it out of the spa.
cartridge using a garden hose. Rotate and separate filter pleats while spraying water to
remove all dirt and debris possible. Let filter dry and look for calcium deposits (scaling) or an oil
film. If you find these, you will need to deep clean your filter cartridge with a “spa filter cleaner”
solution to break down and remove unwanted deposits and oils. (For longer filter life you should
soak filter regularly.)
CAUTION! Always use proper eye protection when using chemicals, or high
pressure water. Read instructions on cleaning products and follow applicable safety and
warning instructions listed on label.
filter cartridge, then return basket and weir, insert and rotate clockwise to lock into
position. Then, turn spa’s power back on.
CAUTION! Never scrub the polyester mesh filter cartridge with a brush, as
this will cause the polyester mesh to wear out and come apart. Never let the spa pump
run or have a filter cycle come on without a filter cartridge in the skimmer compartment.
Running the spa without a filter cartridge may permit debris to enter the spa plumbing
and void the warranty!
Do not use solvents or abrasive cleaners to clean the hot tub. Consult your Freeflow dealer for the proper cleaners.
Typically, a mild detergent and water will resolve cleaning issues.
CAUTION! Never spray cabinet with a garden hose for any reason since this
action may induce an electrical short in the hot tubs electrical equipment.