4. Screw the screws into the screw sockets.
Ensure the screws are not completely
tightened. You should be able to slide the L-bracket freely. If necessary, loosen the screws
until the L-bracket slides easily.
Figure 1-6: Screwing Down Metal Brace
5. When mounting the unit into the rack, unscrew the locks at the front of the unit and slide the
mounting ears backwards. Attach the mounting bracket to the rack, leaving the screw lock
free. Once mounted, slide the unit back into place and lock the screw locks by turning them
clockwise. If more space is needed after the keyboard and monitor have been pulled out,
you can unlock the screw locks and pull the entire unit out further. See Section 3.6 for
further details.
Screw Lock
Mounting Bracket
Figure 1-7: Front Mounting Bracket