Using Your Miter Disk Sander
This disk sander is used to “true up” your mitered frame cuts. Now that you have set
your angles precisely to 45°, you can perform the following steps to get a perfectly
sanded corner.
1. Place the guide against the stop and slide the mitered end
of the molding up to the sanding disk surface. You only
need a slight amount of hand pressure to hold the molding
against the disk.
2. With your other hand, grip the handle on the disk and
rotate the disk in the direction of guide.
The disk should be coming down onto the top of the
molding, pushing the molding into the table and the guide.
Rotate the disk 4-5 times and check to see if on the mitered end, sanding has occurred
completely across the cut. If it has occurred completely across the cut, the miter should
be correct. If it is not complete, repeat the sanding process until the miter is completely
sanded and the cut end is “trued up”.
Next, lift the guide handle and rotate the guide to the
opposite side so you can sand the other end of the
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