Set the code:
With this function, the MASTER user generates a new user code.
The code must be entered twice to confirm the sequence of entered digits
Can it activate?
With this function, the MASTER user defines the insertion characteristics of
this code.
• ALL: the code is enabled to the TOTAL switching on and all the PARTS are active
• ONLY PARTS: the code can activate only one part of the system (for example: enable the
gardener to activate the external area and the equipment storage room, but he can’t activate
the house); only the associated part must be chosen
• NOTHING: the code is disabled to any activation
Can it deactivate?
With this function, the MASTER user defines the deactivation
characteristics of this code.
• ALL: the code is enabled to the TOTAL switching off and all the PARTS are active
• ONLY PARTS: the code can deactivate only one part of the system (for example: enable
the gardener to deactivate the external area and the equipment storage room but he can’t
deactivate the house); only the associated part must be chosen
• NOTHING: the code is disabled to any deactivation
Partial activation number
With this function, the MASTER user defines how many partial
activations the generated user can manage
Remote access:
With this function, the MASTER user defines if the user code is enabled for
all its functions to manage the system remotely via telephone.
Code name:
With this function, the MASTER user identifies the user with a specific name;
this function makes the system management more intuitive
Active code:
With this function, the MASTER user blocks or activates the functionalities of
the code in the system without cancelling the characteristics of the generated code.
10.3 Electronic keys
The system can be managed by the keypad and the electronic key. The electronic keys of the
CE2N-416 control unit have the same power of the codes they are associated to.
Each key is associated to a user code and it allows the total activation and the partial activation
(maximum 4) which are programmed for the user and more keys can be associated to the same
The cancellation with electronic key is for the all associated code.
The diagram below shows the acquisition or cancellation procedure of the electronic keys.
The keys can be associated to the Master or to a user code and they will acquire all the
characteristics of the code itself.
The CE2N-416 control unit can have maximum of 16 CH10BG keys.
User 08
User 01
Electronic keys
Acq. Keys 00
User 08
User 01
Do you confirm YES/NO