3D FPV camera The BlackBird 1
User manual
Intended use
Operating limitations
Operating temperature of the camera is in the range from -20 to +50 degrees
Celsius. If you want to use at other temperatures, it is needed to organize additional
cooling or heating to ensure an acceptable temperature.
The camera is made in case less form and is not protected from moisture. Protection
class sensors IP50, class of protection, other components IP00. For use in humid
environment it`s needed to protect from moisture.
Preparing for use
Connect video and power
Before you begin, you need to connect the BlackBird 1 output to a video playback
device or a video transmitter
, and also to a power source. To do this, connect the
interface cable to the interface connector of the BlackBird 1. The yellow RCA
connector of the interface cable is connected to the playback device or a video
transmitter. The red JST connector of the interface cable is to be connected to the 2S or
3S Li-Po battery or another power source. If everything is connected correctly, the
camera should light up the LEDs and the video monitor / stereo video goggles
connected to the camera should display the live video of the BlackBird 1.
Picture 3. Connection scheme FPV video transmitter and battery
Under playback device or a video transmitter are understood: video eyepieces, monitors, video
transmitters, video capture devices, etc