Star Finder (Celestial Globe)
Indicateur d’étoiles
Operating Instructions
Mode d’emploi
© 2012 FPM Holding GmbH
4.3.4 Now look on the star globe for the stellar body to be searched for
in the sky which – if visible at the time of observation – will be found above the
horizontal circle.
4.3.5 After loosening the knurled screw (13) on the pole holder, the spring-
loaded locating pin releases the pole bore in the star globe, and the vertical
semicircle can be turned on the base frame without changing the position of
the star globe relative to the horizontal circle.
4.3.6 By turning the vertical semicircle and shifting the star detector on its
graduation the spring-loaded locating pin is set relative to the stellar body.
Then, the altitude of the stellar body can be read off the vertical semicircle and
its azimuth from the horizontal circle.
5. A
Adjustment of the star finder is done in the manufacturer’s workshop prior to
supply. Normally, readjustments are not necessary. In case the bearing balls
have become heavily rotatable due to unsuitable storage and contamination,
the ease of rotation of the star globe into all directions will be affected.
Although the star map was covered with a permanent protective coating,
damages to the representation may occur.
If the cleaning of the balls with a clean dry piece of cloth is not effective in the
assembled state of the device anymore, take the star globe out of the base
frame after having removed the altitude circle. Then, the seat of the balls will
be easily accessible for cleaning in the dry state. If necessary, add some
talcum to the piece of cloth when turning the balls. Under no circumstances
use grease or oil because this will cause a contamination of the star globe.
Fig. 5 – Azimuth scale