Automotive Diagnostic & TPMS Platform GT75TS User's Manual V1.01
of each cylinder must be confirmed or re-coded so that the cylinder can better
identify injectors to accurately control fuel injection.
6.11 ABS Bleeding
Anytime the brake system is opened to replace components such as calipers,
wheel cylinders, the master cylinder, or brake lines or hoses, air gets inside.
The air has to be removed by bleeding the brakes if you want a firm brake
pedal. Air trapped in the lines, calipers or wheel cylinders will make the pedal
feel soft and spongy. Air is compressible, so when the brakes are applied any
air bubbles in the system must first be compressed before the hydraulic fluid
will transmit pressure to apply the brakes.
7 TPMS Service Operations
The TPMS application is used to check the TPMS sensor conditions,
program the Foxwell sensor T10, perform the TPMS Relearn procedure and
basic TPMS diagnostic functions.
7.1 Navigation
Tap the
button from the home menu, the Vehicle Menu will appear.
Select the area where the vehicle manufacturer is from then select the
specific vehicle to perform TPMS service. Or tap the
box to search
the car you are to test.
Figure 7- 1 Sample Vehicle Menu Screen
keeps records of tested vehicles and allows restarting the diagnosis
of a vehicle without the need to do vehicle identification again.