Captain Coconut 2 Owner’s Manual
Looking back at the FuzzFace, it was actually several different fuzz effects
with one name. It was originally produced in the mid 1960s with germanium
PNP transistors. Then, in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s it was produced with
silicon NPN transistors. The frequency response, gain, and make up of the
transistors have a big effect on the way a FuzzFace sounds. The germanium
PNP version is known for its warm, round tone. The silicon NPN version is
known for its bright, aggressive tone with lots of gain and sustain. In addi-
tion, both versions sounded different from unit to unit. This is because the
transistors were not matched in any way, so there would be differences in
tone that could range from very subtle to extremely noticeable. Add to this
the fact that the Fuzzface circuit has been modified for many guitarists, pro-
ducing even more sounds that could be categorized as “the FuzzFace”
sound. Every guitarist who’s into “Fuzz” has an idea of what the ideal fuzz
should sound and feel like. For this reason, and the reasons mentioned
above, it’s easy to realize that no single fuzz is going to please every player.
To address this, Captain Coconut 2 uses a modular approach to fuzz, the
The FuzzCard is a plug-in circuit board that contains all of the Fuzz circuitry.
This means that the fuzz circuit can be swapped by simply replacing the
FuzzCard. Foxrox Electronics is offering different versions of the classic
FuzzFace circuit so that everyone can have the fuzz that they prefer.
What follows is a list of the FuzzCards that are currently available for
Captain Coconut 2. Add this to the custom Foxrox modifications that make
up the FuzzFoot, and you have the most flexible fuzz system ever created.
Original Hybrid PNP-
This is the circuit that’s built into the original Captain Coconut. Unless other-
wise specified, this is the default FuzzCard included with Captain Coconut 2.
It’s the ultimate version of the classic fuzz circuit. It’s not affected by tempera-
ture, has an unusually low noise level, and delivers a very focused, articulate
tone. The transistors are set up so that the first one is a medium/ low gain
PNP silicon, and the second one is a medium / high gain PNP germanium.
This delivers a wide range of sounds that venture into the territories of both
the warm, low-gain germanium, and the bright, high-gain silicon versions of
the classic Fuzz circuit. This version covers the most ground of all the different
p. 10
Many flavors of FUZZ
Original Hybrid PNP