Buffer Feed Pump Tube Selection
A buffer feed pump is supplied with #14 tubing factory installed. Smaller diameter #13 tubing is also
supplied but should only be used when specific application conditions exist. Refer to the table below
to determine which tubing size best suits your application.
#13 Tubing
#14 Tubing
(factory installed)
Buffer Flow Rate
0.2 ml per minute
288 ml per day
13.125 days per gallon
0.6 ml per minute
864 ml per day
4.375 days per gallon
pH limit
Less than 7.5 pH
More than 7.5 pH
Total Alkalinity
Less than 50 ppm
More than 50 ppm
Make sure the black buffer pump tubing is routed and secured around the peristaltic mechanism of the
buffer feed pump. If the #13 buffer tubing can be used in your application, follow the directions below
and refer to
Figures 28 and 29
(page 22) to replace the factory installed #14 buffer tubing:
1. Unfasten the knurled head screw on the pump and swing open the curved occlusion ring,
exposing the three pump rollers.
2. Remove the factory installed #14 buffer tubing.
3. Thread the 9” long piece of black #13 buffer tubing through the buffer tube holder and around
the three rollers on the buffer pump. The tubing should be centered front to rear on the rollers.
Gently pull both ends of the tubing to remove any slack.
4. Close the curved occlusion ring, which will slightly compress the tubing onto the rollers. Secure
the ring by finger tightening the knurled head screw.
5. Place the tube stop collars onto the buffer tubing.
6. Insert the white reduction connector fittings into the black buffer tubing. They can be difficult to
insert, but do not use any lubricant on the white reduction connectors.
7. Connect one end of the 9” long piece of clear 1/8” diameter tubing to the left end of the buffer
tubing, and the other end to the fitting on the flushing plug near the measuring cell.
8. Connect one end of the 5-ft long piece of clear 1/8” diameter tubing to the right end of the buffer
tubing. Thread the other end of the 5-ft long 1/8” diameter clear tubing through the hole in the
blue vinegar bottle cap and through the tube sinker. Secure the sinker with the white reduction
connector fitting, do not use any lubricant. Place the tube and sinker into the vinegar bottle and
secure the cap.
9. Close the curved occlusion ring, which will slightly compress the tubing onto the rollers. Secure
the ring by finger tightening the knurled head screw.