baseplate at the front, using epoxy
and micro-balloons, and file slot in
both for the 3mm thick liteply/glass
hook. The front of the hook that is
glued in should be about 32mm from
the front of the canopy. Glue the hook
into the canopy, using 30 minute
epoxy and micro-balloons. Do NOT
use CA as it might melt the foam!
Leave a gap of about 2mm between
the hook and the foam base plate.
Cut and file a 3mm wide slot in the
fuselage to match the hook, with the
front of the slot approx. 25mm from
the front of the canopy position on the
fuselage. Adjust slot length for easy
canopy fitting.
Glue a thin (approx. 0.5mm) plywood
shim inside the fuselage as shown
(cross-grain) to reinforce it, and also
to get a nice tight fit of the hook, using
epoxy. If the canopy is too loose on
the fuselage it rattles in flight !
1 or 2 small rubber bands over the
hook, and around the back wing
joiner rod, keep the canopy in place
by pulling it backwards and down-
wards. To remove the canopy you
only need to slide it forwards a little, until the fibreglass strip disengages from the fuselage, and
lift it up.
Rudder (optional)
As the Komet is usually hand, or
bungee, launched it is not necessary
to have a working rudder, unless you
want to fly knife-edge and point rolls
etc. However it does fly ‘rudder ma-
noeuvres’ very nicely indeed and it is
easy to fit if you wish, as we have
made provision for it during manufac-
There are 5mm thick balsa false trail-
ing and leading edges installed in the
Fin, and you only need to cut the rud-
der out with a razor saw, following the
moulded-in panel lines, and hinge it
using your favourite hinge type.
Fox Composites Co., Ltd.
A balsa fin spar and rudder leading edge are factory-
installed, in case you wish to fit a working rudder. Cut
out the rudder, using the moulded-in panel lines as a
guide, and hinge using your favourite method.
(above) A very thin plywood shim is glued into the
fuselage to get a nice tight fit of the canopy hook.