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Chapter 3 Configuration
3.1 Configuration Connection
Before configuration, It’s necessary to connect the DTU with the configure PC by
the shipped RS232 or RS232-485 conversion cable as following.
3.2 Configuration
There are two ways to configure the DTU:
Configuration software tool: All the settings are configured through the shipped
software tool. It’s necessary to have one PC to run this tool.
Extended AT command: All the settings are configured through AT command, so
any device with serial port can configure it. Before configuration with extended AT
command, you should make DTU enter configure state. The steps how to make DTU
enter configure state, please refer to appendix.
The following describes how to configure DTU with the configure software tool. At
the same time, it gives out the corresponding AT command of each configuration item.
3.2.1 Run the configure Tool FfDtuCfgTool-En.exe
The “Serial Parameters” column shows the current serial port settings. To configure
DTU, please choose the correct serial port which connects to DTU, and the baudrate is
115200 with no parity, then open the serial port. If the button text is “Close”, it shows
the serial port now has been opened. If the text is “Open”, you should open the port
first. When the port opened, the “Output Info” column will display
“Port(COM1) Has Opened
Please Re-Power the DTU,
Waitting DTU Enter Configure State...”