厦 门 四 信 通 信 科 技 有 限 公 司
Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:J1-J2,3rd Floor,No.44,GuanRi Road,SoftWare Park,XiaMen,China
Zip Code
Tel:+86 592-6300320, +86 592-6300321, +86 592-6300322 Fax:+86 592-5912735 http://
www.four-faith.com www.fourfaith.com
8N1 --- 8 Databit, No parity, 1 Stopbit
8E1 --- 8 Databit, Even parity, 1 Stopbit
8O1 --- 8 Databit, Odd parity, 1 Stopbit
AT Command:
xxx: one of the above serial mode
Communication Baudrate
110 --- 110 bps
300 --- 300 bps
600 --- 600 bps
1200 --- 1200 bps
2400 --- 2400 bps
4800 --- 4800 bps
9600 --- 9600 bps
14400 --- 14400 bps
19200 --- 19200 bps
38400 --- 38400 bps
56000 --- 56000 bps
57600 --- 57600 bps
115200 --- 115200 bps
AT Command:
xxx : one of the above baudrate
Auto Back To Main Server
0 --- No
1 ---Yes
This item is only valid when you set “Data Center Number” as 1. In this mode, DTU
will switch to backup center when main center have problems. If this item is set to 1 ,
DTU will check whether the main center work fine timely. When it detects the main
server work fine, it will return back to the main server at once.
AT Command:
x : 0 or 1
Device ID