The table to the right provides
definitions of the signal words that
can be found throughout this
manual. These signal words are
used to express the severity of
the hazard at hand. The signal
words are generally used in
conjunction with safety symbols
that correspond to the text for that
particular hazard. As you read
this manual, refer back to this
table when you are unsure of the
signal word definition.
ISSUE DATE 07-2015 REV. DATE ------------ REV. LEVEL: - ECO 1-7090 OIPM P/N 8419 PG 3 OF12
DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided,
result in
death or serious injury
WARNING i n d i c a t e s a n i m m i n e n t l y h a z a r d o u s
s i t u a t i o n w h i c h , i f n o t a v o i d e d ,
c o u l d
r e s u l t
i n d e a t h o r s e r i o u s i n j u r y
C A U T I O N indicates an imminently hazardous
situation which, if not avoided,
result in
minor or moderate injury
CAUTION used without the safety alert symbol
indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided,
result in property
As defined in ANSI Z535-4-2002
Thank you very much for selecting Fostoria’s overhead electric infrared heating equipment for your
comfort heating needs. These products were engineered with the most reliable components and
materials available and are equipped with features to assure ease of installation and maintenance.
The warmth you will now enjoy when using this heating equipment is created by a heat source; a flat
panel emitter; that emits infrared energy in the form of heat, like the sun. This is an economical way
to heat because it heats people and objects, not the air, so you don’t need to heat a large area to feel
• Upon receipt of your shipment, check all cartons for visible damage.
• Claims for damaged material or shortages that were not evident upon receipt of shipment must
be reported to carrier and TPI Corporation’s customer service (800-251-0382) immediately.
• Any accessory items ordered for the heater will be shipped in separate cartons.