The remote control has a red indicator. It sends out signal but also gets signal feedback from the camera
as well. When the remote controls sends out signal, it will flash once. When the camera receives signal
(executive command) successfully, the red indicator will flash again. If the camera does not get signal,
the remote control will only flash once. Using this information, you can check the camera status by
following the indicator, usually when you cannot see the camera easily.
Main Buttons:
Power/playback button
Menu/delete button
PHOTO button
Video button
Photo mode
Video mode
Advanced setting mode
USB mode
Video resolution,
Default 1080p
Photo resolution
default 5M
Micro SD card inside
Metering status
Default central
White balance
Time stamp
Time on LCD (for example):
02:46:48 ----- The remaining video record time
2014-1-1 08:09:10 ----- Actual real-time clock