Fortress S-Series
6.1 PrePArING For StoWeD trANSPortAtIoN:
Remove the batteries as described in section 5.3.
To lift the batteries please use the handles on the
webbing cradle surrounding the batteries.
Ensure that the seat is removed, (section 5.1) or folded
and the tiller is folded in it’s lowest position.
6.2 to USe tHe Scooter AGAIN:
Reverse the above procedure
Refit the batteries.
Never lift the scooter by the armrests, seat or tiller,
harm could be done to the user or to the scooter.
6.3 SeAt bAcKreSt reclINe:
Take care when adjusting the seat backrest recline
angle as it could be possible to fall backwards and
harm the user or the scooter.
When adjusting the back angle, be careful not to get
your fingers caught.
The seat backrest recline angle is adjusted by the lever
shown in FIG.6.1.
6.4 SeAt PoSItIoN:
The scooter seat can be adjusted in a forward or
backwards position. The adjustment lever is found on the
right hand side under the front of the seat.
Pull the lever
upwards and use legs and body to move to the required
position and release lever, (FIG.6.2).
5.14 Scooter StorAGe coVer:
The scooter storage cover will protect your scooter when
stored in outside conditions, (FIG.5.25).
Never attempt to drive or move the scooter with the
storage cover fitted.
5.15 oFFboArD cHArGING KIt:
The offboard charging kit allows the charging of spare
batteries for your scooter.
Before charging batteries read the charging section of
this manual.
5.16 HeAVy DUty SUSPeNSIoN KIt:
(S425 MoDel oNly)
The heavy duty suspension kit allows for a firmer ride
experience on your scooter. The kit is recommended to
be installed by your Sunrise Medical dealer.
6.0 Using the Scooter
Parts of the scooter are heavy. Please use correct
lifting techniques.
If you are unsure about lifting or removing any
assemblies, or performing any other task requiring
physical effort, get someone to help you who can
manage the task or call your local Sunrise Medical