How to set up your FortiWAN
Planning the network topology
See also
Configurations for a WAN link in Routing Mode
Configurations for a WAN link in Bridge Mode: One Static IP
Configurations for a WAN link in Bridge Mode: Multiple Static IP
Configurations for a WAN link in Brideg Mode: PPPoE
Configurations for a WAN link in Bridge Mode: DHCP
Near WAN
FortiWAN defines an area in WAN as near WAN, which traffic transferred in/from/to the area would not be counted to
the WAN links. That means traffic coming from or going to near WAN through a WAN port would not be controlled by
FortiWAN defines a near WAN for a WAN link in different ways between routing mode and bridge mode.
In routing mode, the default gateway of a subnet deployed in WAN or in WAN and DMZ is near to FortiWAN.
Therefore, the area between the default gateway and FortiWAN is called near WAN. In the other words, FortiWAN
treats directly the subnet deployed on the WAN port as near WAN. The near WAN contains the default gateway.
In bridge mode, the default gateway is located at ISP’s COT and the IP addresses allocated on FortiWAN are just a
small part of a subnet shared with others. Therefore, only the IP addresses deployed in WAN are treated as near
WAN (not include the remote gateway).
FortiWAN Handbook
Fortinet Technologies Inc.