Manual - Formech FLB1000
C. Heater
The powerful 1000mm quartz heater is designed to heat the plastic rapidly without burning the surface. The
time that is required to heat the plastic sheet remains fairly constant once the heaters have reached their
operating temperature.
The temperature regulator will need to be set to suit the reflector gap setting. Refer to the table below for
guidance on heat setting with respect to reflector gap setting.
Reflector gap
Regulator position
Max (18mm)
Up to position 6 (Full)
Approx. 10mm
Up to 5
Approx. 5mm
Up to 3
Heating cycle times vary according to a number of factors. With a little experience, timings may be easily
Some plastics such as polystyrene have a wide tolerance to heating times giving consistently good
mouldings. Care must be taken with other materials such as ABS, which is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture,
which can result in blistering along the bend.
The sheet should be formed when the plastic is sufficiently relaxed to bend to the desired angle.
Operating Procedure