Drivers Checks and Maintenance Items
The driver, regardless of ownership of the vehicle must perform the following
checks and vehicle maintenance. If the driver does not own the vehicle, the
owner of the vehicle must satisfy himself or herself that the driver to whom the
vehicle has been allocated will carry out these essential checks. The driver
must be made aware of the responsibilities to read and understand the
Supplementary Dropside Handbook and carry out the essential Maintenance
Checks in line with the maintenance procedure in this section.
Daily Driver Checks
Check the Supplementary Dropside Handbook is complete and located
in a safe position within the cab.
Check the Load Deck for damage, clean and remove any material that
has stuck to it, ensure the surface is smooth and free from debris that
may snag loads.
Check the security of all Side and Tailboard Latches.
Check the Rear Lights and Licence Plate to ensure any site debris or
mud thrown up from the rear wheels has not obscured them.
Ensure the Warning Triangle is present and located securely in the cab.
Ensure all items in the load Bed are secured to ensure no item presents
a danger to traffic or pedestrians. Sheeting the Load Deck may be
required dependent upon the load.
Ensure the Load Lashing Equipment (Straps, Rope and Sheet etc.) is
available for load types to be carried.
Only competent technical trained personnel should carry out
maintenance involving adjustment or replacement of bodywork
components on this Dropside.
It is imperative that the recommended Driver Checks and
Maintenance be carried out to ensure the safe and efficient operation
of the Dropside.
Transit Dropside 2014:11-12 Seat Transit 28/11/14 10:52 Page 21