Manufactured by combining ballistic grade ceramic and High
Performance Para-Aramid, this composite ballistic door panel has been
extensively tested with rounds called out in the above-referenced
As with body armor, protection provided by the
ballistic panel is limited. Certain rounds or combinations of
rounds may penetrate the panel and cause serious injury or death.
Use of ballistic door panels
It is critical that officers understand where the panel is located inside the
door in order to achieve optimal ballistic protection.
The door panels are designed to provide a shield for the officer at the
scene of an altercation. Any protection afforded the officer while
patrolling inside the vehicle is incidental.
The ballistic ceramic faces the outside of the door.
It is imperative
that the officer using the panel as a ballistic shield has the
exterior of the door facing the threat. In other words, the officer
should be positioned behind the interior portion of the door for
ballistic protection.
The above illustration is an outside view of the left front door. The
shaded area represents the area covered by the ballistic door panel.
Crown Victoria Severe Duty
2011 Crown Victoria
Owners Guide, 3rd Printing