Use of Biodiesel, up to and including 5% Biodiesel (B5)
Every 10,000 miles (16,000 km),
6 months or 400 hours of operation
(which ever comes first)
Replace engine-mounted fuel filter and chassis-mounted
(HFCM) fuel filter
Use of non-Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel - Vehicles operated where
ultra low sulfur diesel fuel is not required/not available
Every 2,500 miles (4,000 km) or
3 months (If using high sulfur fuel
with more than 3000 ppm sulfur)
Change engine oil and replace filter
Every 5,000 miles (8,000 km) or
6 months (If using high sulfur fuel
with less than 3000 ppm sulfur)
Change engine oil and replace filter
2009 Econoline
Supplement, 1st Printing
Scheduled Maintenance: F-Super Duty