– Two Piece Trunnion
Mounted Ball Valve
Document Number:
Release Date:
EDC 514
IOM: Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
CNC Flow Control
10350 Clay Road, Suite 250
Houston, Texas 77041
Toll-free: (844) 398-6449
Phone: (713) 466-1644
Fax: (713) 466-1715
Website: www.cncflowcontrol.com
This manual is provided for informational purposes only and is solely intended for the installation, operation, and
maintenance of Force BTN Series API 6D two-piece trunnion mounted ball valves. CNC Flow Control reserves the
right to change information contained in this manual without any notice. Contact CNC Flow Control at the above
address for specific questions regarding this manual or valve.
Although this manual has been checked for accuracy, the Purchaser or End User is ultimately responsible for the
correct installation, operation, and maintenance of any valve in their pipeline. Therefore, information contained in
this manual shall not be construed as a guarantee or product warranty.