Konftel/RTX SIP DECT Installation Guide
MAY 2015
Fontel Inc. 800-238-0787
Blank “Add Server” Screen
3. For all IP PBX systems that are on the same LAN as the RTX Base Station and for most
remote IP PBX/Hosted Providers set “NAT Adaptation” to “Disable.”
4. Con
gure both the “Registrar” and “Outbound Proxy” to the IP Addess or DNS
Hostname of the IP PBX.
a. Note: Proper DNS resolution must be con
gured under the “Network” menu
if a hostname is used for these settings.
Sample IP PBX/Hosted Provider Settings
5. If G.722 HD Audio is supported by the IP PBX, click “Reset Codecs” under “Codec Priority”
and then use the Up/Down buttons to move G.722 to the top of the list.
a. Adjust other codec based on the requirements of the IP PBX.