It is possible to control the matrix via the RS-232 or the TCP/IP ports.
In order to configure the device via the RS-232 port, use the cable provided to connect the matrix to your
PC. It is recommended that the applications Hyperterminal, I/O Ninja or similar applications are used and
configured in the following way:
Select the corresponding COM port and establish the following values:
- Bits per second: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: none
- Parity bits: 1
This is the list of commands and their function. Bear in mind that the symbols “
” and “
” are used below to
make the commands easier to understand. They must not be used when writing the command.
Locks the buttons on the front panel of the matrix
Unlocks the buttons on the front panel of the matrix
Establishes the demo mode. Every 2 seconds (switching interval), the matrix
configuration switches automatically among:
Input 1 - Output 1
Input 2 - Output 1
Input 3 - Output 1
Input 4 - Output 1
Input 1 - Output 2
Input 2 - Output 2 ...
... Input 4 - Output 4
(when it finishes it returns to Input 1 - Output 1 and continues in this way)
Sends the input signal [x] to all the output channels
Sends all the input signals 1-4 to all the corresponding output channels (Input 1 to
Output 1, Input 2 to Output 2, Input 3 to Output 3 and Input 4 to Output 4)
Disconnects all the output channels
Sends the input signal [x] to the output channel [x]
Disconnect the output channel [x]
Connect the output channel [x]
Connect all the output channels
Send the AV signal from the input [x] to one or several output channels [y]
(if you wish to send the AV input signal to several output channels, separate the
different output channels with a comma)
Send the AV and IR signals from the input [x] to one or several output channels [y]
(if you wish to send the AV and IR input signals to several output channels,
separate the different output channels with a comma)
Send the IR signal from the input [x] to an output channel [y]
Checks and informs on the output channel connection status [x]
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FO-20M44XT_MANUAL_(EN_ES_FR_PT)_A5c_20200921-2020.qxp_Maquetación 1 21/9/20 11:19 Página 6