AST 14 C 257/00
The function ends with the PS switching off under the following conditions:
Tsb s < P19
Tscs > Tsb s-¨ T OFF (P21)
This function cannot be performed if the solar tank heater (SBS) temperature probe
is faulty.
IMPORTANT. The tank heater cooling function is normally disab led. Set parameter
P26 to 1 to activate it. It is only active if the DHW+HEATING, HEATING ONLY or
DHW ONLY operating mode is set on the b oiler.
Solar collector anti-freeze function
When the temperature read by the collector probe is below 4°C, the PS solar pump
activates until the temperature reaches 5°C.
IMPORTANT. The collector anti-freeze function is only enab led with parameter P24
is set to 1: The b oiler operating mode has no effect on this function.
Solar characteristics with P17=2 and P18=1
Every time the solar pump starts running, the boiler display shows the relevant
icon indicating that the pump is active.
If the solar tank heater probe (SBS) or the solar collector probe (SCS) are faulty, the solar
pumps immediately switches off and the boiler board interface and remote control (if
connected) display the faults with the associated error codes (E28 and E24, respectively).
You can override the solar load during servicing interventions, by setting parameter P25 to
1. The multifunction relay is energised until the original value of this parameter is resumed.
One or more additional boards
up to 4
can be connected to the boiler board, to control a
zone-based system and a solar system.
In addition to the multifunction relay controlling the direct zone (TA1) at a high
temperature, up to three additional boards can be mounted to control up to three mixed
zones, plus an additional board for controlling a solar system, which has two
IMPORTANT. The boiler control panel can hold up to two additional boards (for controlling
a system with up to three zones, or two zones plus a solar system). In the case of complex
systems requiring extra boards, these boards must be positioned outside the boiler, with a
separate control panel.