AST 14 C 257/00
N.B. If a b oiler is comb ined with a solar plant with instantaneous integration, we
recommend setting the parameter P14 to 1. This increases the modulation range and
avoids b oiler hunting (starting and stopping) with the inlet temperature very close to the
set-point. In this case the limit temperatures are as follows:
DHW thermostat intervention temperature OFF with instantaneous solar integration:
set-point + 10°C
DHW thermostat intervention temperature ON w ith instantaneous solar integration: set-
point + 9°C
(Only KR version connected to a water tank, P3=3)
If the boiler is in “DHW” or “DHW + HEATING” mode, when the “timer” contact for the
water tank management is closed, a request for water tank DHW is generated.
If the water tank temperature read by the NTC sensor is lower than the temperature value
Water Tank Priority Thermostat ON (DHW set-point – 3°C) set with the boiler or the
remote control, and the delivery temperature is lower than 70°C, the board flame control
section is given request to start the sequence of burner switch on 25 seconds after the
start of the boiler pump (the switch on delay of the burner is introduced to prevent
problems connected to temperature derivative controls, error codes E86 and E87.
At the end of this sequence, the power at the burner is equal to ignition power (P6), and
during subsequent stages this power corresponds to the flame modulation value which,
with a PID type action, is necessary to reach and maintain the delivery modulation
temperature in water tank DHW mode. This value is calculated according to the water
tank set-point and to the actual temperature read by the water tank sensor, and it is in any
case included between a lower limit (corresponding to “water tank set point tempe
10°C”) and an upper limit (85°C). The maximum delivery modulation is obtained when the
difference between water tank set-point temperature and actual water tank temperature is
greater or equal than 10°C.
During water tank heating stage:
P28 = 0
(pump and three way valve), the boiler pump is active while the three
way valve is in DHW position;
P28 = 1
(heating pump and DHW pump), the heating pump is switched off,
while the DHW pump is active;
The multifunction relay will stay in its rest position.
Tem perature m odulazione sanitario boiler:
Range regolazione temperatura sanitario: 35 °C ÷ 65 °C
Temp. intervento termostato precedenza boiler OFF = set point + 0 °C
Temp. intervento termostato precedenza boiler ON = set point - 3 °C
Temp. massima modulazione mandata in fase boiler = 85° C
Differenza temp. minima tra richiesta boiler e modulazione mandata = 10° C
Differenza temp. tra richiesta boiler ed attuale per massima modulazione mandata = 10° C
Differenza temp. tra richiesta boiler ed attuale per minima modulazione mandata = 0° C
Temp. intervento termostato mandata in fase sanitario boiler OFF = 86° C
Temp. intervento termostato mandata in fase sanitario boiler ON = 70° C