FONA XPan 3D Plus
Wrong position:
Frankfurt plane is NOT horizontal
The head is tilted forward thus resulting in a V
shaped dental arch on the X-Ray image.
Wrong position:
Frankfurt plane is NOT horizontal
The head is tilted backward, thus resulting in a flat
dental arch on the X-Ray image.
The lateral light beam does not need to be corrected
for patients with normal occlusion.
In cases of overjet with class II or III malocclusion,
move the carriage with the FORWARD/BACKWARD
buttons until the lateral light beam is on the canine,
to have the roots of the incisors within the layer in
focus (the movement in mm is shown on the control
Layer correctly centered
The light beam (red line) falls on the
canine (green line).
The roots of the incisors fall exactly in
the centre of the layer in focus.
The front teeth appear sharp.
The light beam (red line) falls behind the canine
(green line).
The roots of the incisors fall outside the
layer in focus.
The front teeth appear blurred and
proportionally smaller.
Move the rotating arm forward (towards
the column) to correct.