01441492R00 – REFVAC20/25 LB, PH, PD
Data Storage
Data can be captured different ways . The factory default is for the data
to overwrite itself when the memory is full . This can be changed in the
advanced setting under
Data storage overwrite . When this parameter
is set to
No, the system will display an alert when the memory is 75%
full . To clear the alert the data must be downloaded .
Data duration alarm
A reminder can be set to download the data in the
Data duration alarm
in the advanced setting . The data duration can be set from
1 to 180
days . If the data duration alarm is used, then the Alarm on data full
parameter in the advanced setting must also be set to
Yes .
Downloading data
The touchscreen has the capability of downloading the temperature
data and event log via a USB port on the left side of the user interface .
The file is a CSV format and is suitable for import directly into Microsoft
Excel .
1. Insert the storage device in the USB slot located to the left of the
Touchscreen .
2. Select the Graph icon along the bottom of the Touchscreen .
3. Select the USB icon in the lower right hand corner .
4. A yellow alert box with downloading data will appear .
5. Press
to accept or
to cancel .
6. After the unit is done downloading a second yellow alert box will
appear asking if you want to
Erase log .
7. Press
to accept or
to cancel .
Note: If you chose to erase the data, the data duration timer and the data full
alarm will reset . It will also erase the information that is stored on the graph .
One of the two files below will be downloaded depending on
which screen is being viewed:
EL XXXX YY - Event Log
TL XXX YY - Temperature Log
XXXX = last 4 digits of serial number
YY = 0-99 number of downloaded file
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
Data download reminder and data full alarm
If you plan or are required to download data for a certain time period,
you can set a
download data reminder on the Performance Plus unit .
Download data reminder can be found in the advanced setting under
Data duration and can be set from 1 to 180 days .