Daily Operation
Getting started - unlock the lift system
Dock the smart key (contains magnets) on the white
illuminated docking area. The white illumination will change
to green as soon as the smart key is sensed and decoded by
the spa controller. The spa cover lift is now ready to use.
Open the spa
Rotate the smart key one detent clock wise to open the spa cover or
Press the open symbol on the optional infrared (IR) remote control or
Touch the open symbol on the remote control screen of your foldaway
smartphone app.
Make sure by visible contact that the movement area of the lift and the parking area of the
spa cover is free.
Parts of the vinyl cover can stick to the spa surface. An indicator for such a condition is,
when the lift raises the mid cover section before lifting the front lid. Stop the lift and pull the
front cover on the handle gently upwards in order to detach the cover from the spa surface
Close the spa
Rotate the smart key one detent counter clock wise to close the spa
Ensure by visible contact and personal presence throughout the closing routine that no
bathers are inside the spa and no persons or animals are about to enter the spa.