Using the Parametrics
Use the parametrics to colour the sound and create a presence. For example, you
can take the sound of an instrument and improve its clarity in the mix. You can also
use the parametrics in narrow Q mode to notch out a frequency (for example, to
remove fret buzz). However, when doing this be careful that you do not adversely
affect the tone elsewhere, since you will affect all occurrences of the selected fre-
To isolate the frequency you want to boost or cut:
1. Add some gain to the signal, so that you can hear the effect easily.
2. Set a very wide bandwidth (low Q), which again makes it easier to hear the area
you are affecting.
3. Modify the frequency until you find the area you want to work on.
4. Adjust Q and frequency together until you get the desired combination.
5. Modify the gain to control the amount of the selected frequency that is added to
or subtracted from the signal.
How to Use Equalisation
1. When using a microphone, ensure that the microphone placement is correct.
Listen to the sound from the microphones with no equalisation applied, and modify
the microphone placement until you get the sound you want.
2. Set the operating level.
3. Consider what you don’t want (for example, you don’t want too much bass on an
analogue tape machine). This varies with the recording format and varies with the
input signal. If necessar y, use the high- and lo w-pass filters to remove parts of the
4. Listen to the ambience and room sound that comes back off tape, and check that
it has the frequency response that you are looking for (for example, the room may be
a bit dull in the top end, or there may be too much bass). If the frequency response
is not correct, use the shelving filters to correct it.
5. Create a sound and bring out the character of the instruments by using the para-
metrics. The figure below shows the frequency range of different instruments. Also
see the section on Bringing an Instrument Forward in the Mix.
6. Set the final output level using the output fader.
f o c u s e q