TView Pro AV 1600 User's Manual Rev 1.02
1.1 The TView Pro AV 1600 Family
The TView Pro AV Product Family consists of one common technology implemented on a common circuit board.
Depending on the specific model, different ICs and accessories are added to the base product to provide specific
1.1.1 Board or Desktop or Rackmount
TView Pro AV 1600 units are configured as Board Units (PCI boards) or Desktop Units or Rackmount Units. The
Board Units mount inside the PC and receive their electrical power from the computer.
Desktop Units are stand alone items that accept 13.5 VDC power from a UL listed power supply. Users of Desktop
TView Pro AV 1600s may choose between American compatible, wall mount transformers, with standard American
plug configuration (shipped automatically with Pro AV Desktop, NTSC orders) or deskmount universal power
supplies (shipped with Pro AV Desktop orders). Desktop universal power supplies terminate in an IEC-320 connector
(the same connector that you see on the back of PC computers). You must supply the wall outlet to IEC-320 cable.
TView Pro AV1600 is also available in an EIA 19 inch rack mount configuration. The TView Pro AV 1600-R occupies
1 standard rack height. All TView Pro AV 1600-R models are capable of accepting power in the range of 95 V - 250 V,
47Hz. to 63 Hz. FOCUS Enhancements does not supply the IEC-320 to wall outlet cable.
1.1.2 IBM or Mac or Workstation
The TView Pro AV 1600 is compatible with IBM PC (ISA) computers, MAC computers and many popular
workstations. The same Desktop unit may be used with any personal computer or workstation, however the
appropriate cable kits must be ordered. The Pro AV 1600 is shipped with a PC cable and a Mac Adapter Kit. Any
cable or cable kit may be ordered separately at a later date.
In the IBM family, the Pro AV 1600 supports VGA and super VGA devices in all VGA standard modes (640 x 480,
EGA, Text and 320 x 200 modes, all 800 x 600 modes from 56 - 76 Hz Vertical Non-Interlaced, all 1024 x 768 modes from
60 - 76 Hz and all 1280 x 1024 modes from 60 - 76 Hz Vertical Non-Interlaced. The 1024 x 768 Non-Interlaced modes of
the XGA -2 are also supported.
In the Macintosh family, The Pro AV 1600 supports 640 x 480, 66.7 Vertical Non-Interlaced mode (Applecolor
High-Resolution RGB Monitor, often referred to as the 13" display) and the 1024 x 768, 66.7 Hz Vertical
Non-Interlaced mode (AppleVideo RGB Monitor, often referred to as the 21" display).
In addition to IBM PC and Macintosh video formats, the TView Pro AV 1600 also accepts computer video in popular
workstation formats as well (up to its 1024 x 768 limit). The TView Pro AV 1600 is capable of decoding a separate
composite synchronization signal, as well as a composite sync signal embedded in the green signal. The correct
cable kit is required for successful use with a workstation.