The Automatic Power Control function is enabled when exciter’s CAN AGC is
set to enabled, otherwise the system is in Manual Power Control mode.
In manual power control mode, the output power is not controlled by CCU (CCU
can not control exciter’s power). So, the machine’s output power would be fluctuated
with the temperature or other factors change. In the abnormal working condition, the
system will not automatically reduce its output power because the exciter’s power is
out of control in manual control mode. In extreme case, the system will powered-off
for protection.
2.5 RF Output Control
2.5.1 CCU RF Switch
When RF Switch is off, turn off RF power and power supply.
When RF Switch is on and Period Control is disabled, turn RF power on to
setting power.
When RF Switch is on and Period Control is enabled, RF power is controlled by
Period Control function (see Period Control).
2.5.2 CCU Period Control
When RF Switch is on and Period Control is enabled, the control method is as
The system reads current time through RTC and check whether current time is
falling into any of the three periods. If yes, turn on RF power to its period setting
power, else turn off RF power. A period is invalid if start time is greater than or equal
to end time. Invalid time period is ignored in Period Control (Current time will never
fall into an invalid period). If three periods are all invalid, turn RF power off for ever.
Invalid period is useful when only one or two period is needed.
It is suggested that disable Period Control before correcting date and time or
changing period’s start and end time to avoid instantaneous undesired RF Switch on
and off.