MN F08 001 EN
Issue/Rev. 1.10 (01/15)
is a registered trademark of FMC Technologies
Pos : 9 /T ec hDOC /Seni ng/Allgemein/2: Orientier ungs Pi kt ogramme @ 0\ mod_1307366793359_19. doc x @ 5784 @ 2 @ 1
1.1 Orientation aids for the manual
We have provided some orientation aids so that you can easily find the necessary
information in this manual.
The information in this manual ranges from imperative safety procedures and standardized
guidelines through to concrete handling procedures and advice. To differentiate these more
easily, the information is marked with corresponding pictograms in front of the relevant text.
These are intended not just to draw particular attention to these passages, but also to make
it easier to find the information you want. Therefore the pictograms are symbolic of the
underlying textual content.
The following pictograms are used in this manual:
Danger sign
Danger of explosions caused by easily ignited gases and liquids here.
Risk of operating fault
Actions that may damage the equipment.
Legal notice
Actions that may have legal consequences.
Working step
Concrete action statements, e.g.:
“Press the <Enter> key”
Input necessary
e.g. via numeric or function keys.
Positive response message
e.g. “The main menu now appears”
Negative response message
e.g. “If a fault message appears now...”
Background information
Short-Tip, e.g. “See more detailed information in chapter XX”.
Special case.
Functional description.
indicates a special situation.
particular attention is to be paid.