The most accurate stereo setup is done with KNOWN equal levels
applied to both left and right units. This can be done by connecting
both left and right inputs in parallel with jumper wires at the
connector block (forcing equal levels to both inputs), feeding one
program channel at normal level into both inputs. Adjust the input
control of the left unit until the green LED is lit, then increase the
input level control of the right unit until its green LED is lit. Now
remove the jumpers and connect the left and right program lines to
their respective inputs. Do not re-adjust INPUT SET controls. Set the
channel balance of the program sources in your system. The green LED
lights on the two ALM771 units can be used as an indicator of channel
Next connect a wire from the ST position on the connector block to
the ST connector on the second connector block. Then connect a wire
from the ground connector terminal to the other units ground terminal
block. It is not necessary to actually ground this connection, in
practice no outside ground needs to be connected to this equipment.
This connects the two control systems together to track stereo audio,
and thus prevents the stereo image from shifting.
No routine maintenance or adjustment is required. If a problem
develops, contact the factory. It is strongly recommended that if
servicing is necessary, that the unit be sent to the factory for any
adjustment or repair.